In accordance with Order No. 17-1071 Ө dated December 20, 2017, the testing laboratory of Nomad Eco LLP received accreditation certificate No. KZ.T.01.1981 for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".
The targets of research include:
- Atmospheric air in populated areas, on the boundary of the sanitary protection zone of enterprises and in the zone of active pollution;
- Emissions of pollutants by enterprises into the atmosphere;
- Workplace air.
To perform the researches and testings, the laboratory is fitted with the most advanced equipment: HANK-4 gas analyzers, POLAR gas analyzer , meteorological meters, aspirators, hygrometers, etc.
This is the way Nomad Eco LLP improves its activity and works towards meeting the standards that will allow organizing its work in accordance with the existing requirements.